Offshore Development Center

An offshore development center has become a much wanted need of offshore clients and an inevitable possession of established offshore software development companies. Indisputably, setting up an offshore software development center is a great idea with high gain yet high risk possibilities. ODC not only reflects splendid efforts and superb technical skills but also trust, compatibility, mutual respect and understanding between the service provider and the client, upon which the success of offshore development center depends.

There are significant cost efficiencies and time advantages that favor the need and success of an offshore development center. However, we can't deny the fact that offshore development center model is still trying to grow up from its infancy. With the emergence of business critical projects, technology advancement, and quality, ODC idea and industry is evolving everyday and moving towards its maturity. In near future, ODC industry is expected to be an extensive contributor to the global economy.

Infinity Informations is an enthusiastic emergent that possesses a sound experience of several successful projects behind its notable repute in the IT industry. Infinity has well equipped offshore development center in Delhi and offices in United States and Italy to offer its clients on-site as well as off-site support. Barring all communication gaps and cultural issues, Infinity offers mission critical solutions after carefully comprehending your business requirements and specifications.

To exclude every possible minute flaw, Infinity employs robust and proven development processes . Apart from imparting a strong infrastructure and latest technologies, Infinity offers dedicated offshore teams that are appointed specially as per the clients' requirements, which work as virtual extensions of their in-house staff. We make your software outsourcing decision an assured success by clearing all doubts and dilemmas that may persist in your mind.

Infinity's offshore development centers leverage compelling project management expertise to maintain top quality standards making every project an assured success. Access to the dedicated team of talented software professionals and business analysts with strong communication skills helps retain your confidence in the future success and growth of your businesses. Shortened development cycles at offshore development centers overlaps the zonal time difference leaving no space for problems. Grey cells of talented developers at ODC make evening problems turn out to be the morning solutions on following day.

Our offshore development centers settle on:

  • Quality resources
  • Overcoming time zone differences
  • Command over language
  • Cultural compatibility
  • Political stability
  • Focused core competencies
  • And most importantly cost-effectiveness